The consequences of drunk driving are infinite and not only are the lives of the drivers in danger but also the lives of the victims who are innocently dragged into the situation. Being in a drunken state mess up your ability to judge and react appropriately to traffic lights, other motorists and pedestrians. Many associations have cropped up over the years to rid the streets of drunk drivers. Most members of these different associations have experienced first-hand what it was like to be a victim of incidents caused by drunk drivers.
If an adult is arrested for DUI, he is taken to a county jail where his fingerprints and photos will be taken by jail officers. If the driver gets convicted, he could face a jail time of up to 6 months, given that it is his first offense. When a person goes to jail, he would be unable to go to work and will face a possible termination. Information like a DUI arrest is available publicly and future employers will be able to know about it when they do routine background check. This could impede future employment and you'll be forced to start from scratch all over again.
One of the many consequences of drunk driving is the revocation of the offender's license. In many countries, the blood alcohol content of a driver is tested through a breathalyzer. There is a minimum amount of alcohol allowed and if it is proven that you have exceeded this amount, you will be arrested and your license will be taken from you. Driving privileges will then be put on hold. Depending on the times that you have violated driving laws, you could regain your license back after serving hours of community service or it can be revoked permanently if the law demands.
The most damaging and irreparable effect of drunk driving is death, either that of the driver or the victim. Statistics reports that out of ten Americans, three will be caught up in alcohol-related accidents at some point in their lives. If drunk driving doesn't end up in death, physical disability or severe injury awaits the driver or the victim. The worst part is they could end up maimed or disabled for the rest of their lives.
To minimize drunk driving episodes, some states in the United States operates DUI checkpoints. These checkpoints send out a loud message to the driving public. Officers at the checkpoints work to teach and make the drivers aware of the consequences of drunk driving. Some of these checkpoints are transportable, only staying at a particular spot for a few hours before moving on to another possible hot spot.
To avoid alcohol-related road accidents, always practice safety. Don't drink when you know you will be driving. In the same way, do not drive when you have drunk more than the allowable limit. Always think about the value of your life and the life of those who might get in your way.
Source : Consequences of Drunk Driving