What do officers look for when pulling someone over for DUI? Officers will likely pull you over in suspicion of DUI if you are speeding, swerving, or are otherwise driving erratically, or if you have broken a traffic law. Sometimes officers will also set up sobriety checkpoints to catch drunk drivers.
What is the legal blood alcohol limit in Arizona? A person driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) or blood alcohol level of .08% or above is deemed to be driving under the influence.
Do I have to take field sobriety tests? No. You can refuse to take such field sobriety tests as walking in a straight line, following an object or light with your eyes, touching your nose with your finger, alphabet tests, and more.
Do I have to consent to blood alcohol testing? After you are taken to the police station, the arresting officer will most likely request for you to take a breath, blood or urine test to determine your blood alcohol level. You do not have to take this test, but refusal to do so could result in the immediate suspension of your license for up to 1 year.
What is “implied consent”? Because you are driving, you are assumed to have given consent for a law enforcement agency to test your blood alcohol level if you are suspected of driving under the influence.
Does an officer have to inform me of implied consent? Most of the time, yes. An officer’s failure to inform you that your refusal of alcohol testing will result in suspension of your license could result in a stronger defense for your DUI case.
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